May 20, 2011

2011 Spring Graduation-Woot!

One down! One (maybe two) to go! Sorry for the lack of posting, we're having some stress-filled life changing events going on around here (such as my graduation). If you need me, please come send me a shout out on twitter! @momnonstop I'm always there!

May 16, 2011

Menu Planning

Monday: Speghatti
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Tuesday: Bumpy Beans and Cornbread (recipe to come)
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Wednesday: Eating Out-It's the Welcome Dinner at our Pastor's home. I'm excited!
Thursday: Crockpot Chicken (recipe to come)
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Friday: Goulash
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Saturday: Leftovers
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It seems like I haven't done this in forever. I also haven't been regular at knowing what's for dinner. Thinking they go hand in hand. Lately, I've been doing the "Oh my, it's almost six! If I don't get something made soon, these kids will never get in bed!" It's not fun feeling that rushed and frustrated.

May 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Hubby!

We love you! You make us so proud to call you ours! Hope this year is awesome!

Sharing is caring!