April 11, 2010

Sunday Sinuses

Last night's FC Soccer game final score was 2-2. This is why I do not understand soccer. Today is our one year anniversary!  I thought to celebrate since I don't have new pictures. I'll share a few of our wedding pictures for you. We have officially been a family for a year now. I woke up with a head full of allergies, cranky son from little sleep, hungry toddler, and my wonderful husband, who woke up hyper.

After being lazy the last couple of hours I got up to eat some peanut butter, catch up on blogs, and hide from the dogs that rolled in the grass I'm allergic to. They followed, then the family. Unable to breath, snot running from my face (beautiful I know), my husband is surfing for music to make my happy, and the kids are wanting to go play. Time to cheer myself up, allergies be damned! Spoonful of peanut butter to each dog and chalk to the kids! I'm sorry but watching the kids get covered head to toe in sidewalk chalk and the dogs constant licking to eat all their peanut butter, it just makes me smile. So does this:
I love this man, this boy, and this girl. Nothing could make my life better than they do.
Our first dance. Have a great weekend guys! See you later on.


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