September 1, 2010

Sewing Basics

So I noticed that I make stuff has asked for help with her serger. I have a different problem.

I own a sewing machine. Have since Christmas of last year. It's yet to be used. I took home ec in grade school (seventh or eighth) and "learned" how to sew. My mom and grandmother both know how to sew. I've even looked up sewing classes.

Is there a way I can learn this on my own at home? What would be the first step? How do I not break my sewing machine? What would be the best first project to try? I have downloaded dozens of patters but don't want to mess up the fabric I buy (or repurpose) waste the thread, or break the machine. How much time should I devote to the first "lesson?"

Any help would be nice!

Linking up to these parties.


Unknown said...

I know that I found a book from the library from Singer on the sewing basics. It was really helpful and I'm thinking of purchasing it on Amazon to keep on hand. It went through EVERYTHING. Youtube videos are also VERY helpful!

If you have a question about your sewing machine itself, I've brought my machine into JoAnns and they helped me out. Something wasn't working quite right when threading the machine, but they were able to help me with no problem.

Thanks for linking up! :)
-Ann Marie

Joy@Thrifty Parsonage Living said...

It's great to hear that you want to learn to sew. I learned as a child in 4-H. I agree with Ann Marie ... Youtube has good videos, also check with county extention office. They have very usefull tools as well. A great first project is something with straight sewing. My first project was an apron and my daughters was pj pants. Have fun!

Unknown said...

I inherited my Grandma's sewing machine. She's gone and Mom is too far away to help! I've had to rely on the owner's manual and trial & error. The most frustrating part was learning to thread the bobbin properly. Lately my husband has been looking on YouTube for instructions on how to do anything. Maybe that'll help! Good luck!

Miss Merry said...

I am a 4-H Advisor. Contact your local Extension Office. Google 4-H for your state to find it. In Ohio, we have a book called Ready Lets Sew for beginning sewers. It covers all the basics to get you started, refreshing you on the parts of the machine and how to get going. Books are usually around 3-5 dollars.

When I worked at the Extension Office,adults would often come in for 4-H books - cheap and full of great information!

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