Showing posts with label Shine Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shine Project. Show all posts

April 22, 2011

She calls it her princess dress-I call it old curtains


No tutorial-just turned some old curtains into a new dress for this princess/camera hog. She loves it, what do you think? As it being only my second thing to ever sew, I’d have to say it’s a big improvement.



April 20, 2011

CREATE. I am NOT a seamstress.

As I continue The Shine Project challenges, I am continuously faced with items that I am not.

Not a baker:


Not a softball player:

Tuesday I decided to work on the CREATE- The Shine Project challenge.

I tried breaking in my sewing machine. Boy did I:



Yup. That’s a broken needle. Can a story ever end well if I start with one of those?


If your model is cute enough you won’t even notice the mistakes.




It’s too small around. The bottom is shorter on one side (and therefore hemmed unevenly). And she has shelf butt. If you could see the dress off of her, the part right below the uneven ties comes to a right angle. Shelf butt. Good job mom.



She likes it though. In fact, I even made a second one (well she’s outside chasing daddy and the lawnmower in the second one that I was putting on her to measure length). Second fail at sewing coming soon!


April 18, 2011

We've been busy

Just to catch up:

Monday (April 11th) we celebrated our two year anniversary.
We had a small celebratory dinner on Tuesday for our anniversary. Nothing fancy. We were going to go to the race at TMS but my head hurt (for good reason). I did have a three day weekend so that was nice. Not really sure what I did with it though, I think I slept. That's good enough for me.
My phone's dead. It's causing some minor withdrawals from social networking. Such as, can't check in at foursquare, update or check facebook, twitter, email. Without it being in my hand I kind of forget.
Warrior Dash was this past Saturday. Should have some more pics soon. Here's what I do have (taken with a phone camera, so please excuse the poor quality)
I am counting this dash as part of my The Shine Project. I've never been in any race like this before (or anything past 8th grade cross country for that matter). It was awesome and painful and one of the best things I've ever done. Couldn't have finished without the people I ran with. Love ya'll (Olivia, Matt, and Ian)! We all worked hard for our "free beer", medal, shirt, viking hat, and handlebar moustaches! We'll they forgot to give us the last item.
My nose. It's still pretty painful. The swelling has gone down. I no longer look like an avatar. I did have a nice black eye (or two) for a bit. Most of the coloring from those are gone (or easily covered). I am sad to say that when I played softball last Friday night I was pretty scared that I would get hit in the face again. So I let the ball go over my head. Twice. I'd have updated pictures but my phone sucks.
I had plans of decorating and preparing and teaching for Easter. That didn't happen. I have been able to get Kinzey to learn a few things as we read through her and Houston's bible.
"Baby Jesus is the saviour" (saviour sounds like salve your)
"Baby Jesus' mommy is Mary."
"Baby Jesus' daddy is God."
"Baby Jesus' other daddy is Joseph." (Joseph sounds like Joe-suess)
They're pretty nifty to pull out at parties to make mommy and daddy proud.
1. Read the bible every day: I think I've only missed this past Saturday. Doing great so far, and even hubby jumped on the bandwagon!
2. Run 4x+ a week. Didn't happen. At all. In face the ONLY running I've done so far was at Warrior Dash. Bad Cris!
3. Catch up on The Shine Project challenges. It will happen! Probably.



April 9, 2011

Shine Project Catch Up

Write a letter to your teacher
I actually did the teacher letter one before I started The Shine Project.
I had many thanks to say to a one Mrs. Deborah Watson. Thanks for trying to keep me in class, thanks for encouraging my abilities in design, layout, and artwork. I wanted to give her credit where it was due. I am happy that I had her for three years in high school. I don’t still have what I wrote her, or her response, mainly because facebook can be annoying. I did however appreciate her response and was happy to know I am making her proud.
Give the mailman a valentine’s card
I’m not sure how I’ll accomplish this one, seeing as Valentine’s was back in February. I’ll keep you posted.
Do something you’ve never done
This one is hard. We’re supposed to become what we want to be. That alone is a tricky question. What do I want to be? Super mom, Social Media Maven, Artist, Photographer, Athletic, Organized. This list goes on. Then yesterday, something happened to me. I was warming up for softball and got hit square in the face with the ball. No excuse as to why I didn’t catch the darn thing (side note: Dad was right, I should always keep the ball in front of my face). After that, I still played. We lost (horrible 2-22). The thing was though, ever since I can remember I’ve always tried to be the tough one. Get hit, shake it off. I’d cry if it was bad enough, but I still never considered myself tough. This changed my view.

Share and Teach
Remember my Mini Chicken Pot Pies? Hubby and I had fun this past week cooking together. Easy recipe. Easy to teach. Easy to learn. He loves them so much, and now he won’t have to wait on me to make them next time. Plus it was fun to bond over cooking. I got tulips afterwards for teaching him (patiently) how to roll and fill the dough.


March 30, 2011

Hello Neighbor!

So for The Shine Project, the first challenge was to bake something and take it to a neighbor you don’t know and introduce yourselves. This works out since about two months ago (probably more) we had some new neighbors move in right next door. We’ve never introduced ourselves, and vice versa.
It’s slightly rainy yesterday when I did the project. I had some Ready to Bake cookie dough (cause I’m not the best baker in the world.) Houston and I popped them into the oven, tried to set my phone/timer which froze.
Proceeded to “overbake” said Ready to Bake cookies.
Let the slightly “overbaked” cookies cool off.
I figured a pretty platter *might* make up for them being slightly “overbaked.”
For a non-baker like me, these are NOT burnt.
I will admit that I was very nervous going over there. For one I didn’t have my “talkers” with me. Kinzey was down for a nap, and Aaron was at work; it was up to me to speak. Houston did go with me, and we are happy that we delivered them. Hopefully, our new neighbors understand my stuttered “Welcome, sorry for not saying hello sooner. I’m not a baker” speech.


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